Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It's your season

Greetings family,
I want to share a thought I had during my run back from California the other day.

While driving through the mountains of Utah and Wyoming I began to take in the beauty of the mountains, the landscaping and animals. Then I started to look more closely at how really beautiful parts of this country are and how beautifully made they were by God. I started thinking about the 4 seasons of weather change. Snow capped mountains, running streams, moose and elk migrations, cows grazing and feeding their young, horses galloping free, lush green fields and crisp clean air. You get the idea...
Then God spoke to me over the sound of the truck engine and the scent of clean air through the open windows. He said to me, "What about the 4 Seasons of Life change?" I said, "WOW!!! that's right". What about those seasons of life's joys, pains, the ups, the downs and spiritual growth. So I meditated on it and He gave me 4 life changing "seasons". We go through seasons of GROWTH, FAITH, TRUST AND LOVE. These seasons are challenging but doable because we serve a mighty God who can help us get through each season.

Season 1: GROWTH

G - Grace - God said "My grace is sufficient". Receiving God's grace is healthy for our growth.
R - Repent - When you repent you are turning away from sin and, therefore, you are growing in Christ.
O - Obedient - Being obedient to His will and His word is a sign of growth.
W - Wisdom - Wisdom is a characteristic and a gift of God. We grow in His wisdom.
T - Time - Take time today to give God thanks and praise.
H - Healing - God heals you from the inside. As you heal you start to grow.

"Are you growing?" Has God shown you GRACE today? Did you REPENT? Will you be OBEDIENT to His will? Are you gaining WISDOM? Did you take TIME today to thank God? Remember, you're already HEALED.....

God bless you

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