Monday, June 15, 2009


Good evening all,
I heard a message the other day driving from Florida and I wanted to share it with you.

One day a child was in his Pastor's office and as he was preparing his sermon the child kept asking questions after question after question until finally he stopped what he was doing and not to be angry with the child, he grabbed a piece of paper with a picture of the world on it and tore it into tiny pieces then he gave it to the child with some tape and told him to put it back together. Now, thinking this would occupy the child for awhile so he could finish his sermon, within a matter of minutes the child came back with the picture taped correctly. To the pastor's amazement he asked him how he did it so fast. The child said he turned each piece of paper over and saw a picture of a man and taped it together. WOW!!!
What this meant to me was that the world is torn apart by drug abuse, alcoholism, sexual abuse, child abuse, spousal abuse, teen pregnancy, etc, etc. The list goes on and in order for us to change the world we have to let Jesus be the tape that will put us back together so that we are equipped to make a change in other peoples' lives.
Are you broken, battered, beaten and kicked around by life's challenges? Then let Jesus put you back together so that people can see what a mighty God we serve. Let our light shine before men.


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